2025 PathForward Members
The Community Improvement Corporation of Shelby deeply appreciates our 2025 PathForward members. Your support drives key initiatives like economic development, placemaking, and downtown revitalization, shaping a brighter future for our community. Thank you for your commitment to Shelby’s success!
Avita Health System
Black Fork Brewery
Cooper Enterprise, Inc.
Steven P Curry Financial Services, Inc.
Discovery Dental
FE Krocka & Assoicates
Gary Giller
Mansfield Hardware & Supply Co.
Mechanics Bank
Park National Bank
Penwell Funeral Home
Penwell Pizza, LLC
Whippet Wash, LLC
Wilging, Roush, & Parsons
In early 2017, significant efforts began towards improving the economic environment in our city. The City of Shelby and the CIC adopted and put into action the Shelby Economic Development Plan. Focusing on the objectives outlined in the plan, incredible strides have been made including:
Built stronger lines of communication across Richland County, our regional partners, and the State.
Driver of downtown revitalization projects and community placemaking.
Leading the renovation of the Shaw Building.
Supported a matching grant façade program to improve building conditions.
There is positive energy buzzing around and about Shelby. Other communities have taken notice of our progress and are asking how the CIC has achieved so much success in such a short period of time. The public/private partnership has been the driving force behind the CIC’s progress. The powerful combination of the City of Shelby’s investment paired with private dollars has been indisputably successful. The CIC has raised over three million dollars for improvements that will transform our historic downtown into a place of gathering that will naturally spur additional investment.
There is still so much to do, and the CIC cannot do it alone. For the CIC to continue to move the city forward, we need community leaders to join us in our endeavors. The PathForward is a group of visionary leaders banded together who share the common goal of a thriving community. They believe that an investment today will forge a path to move Shelby forward.
As a community leader, we invite you to join the PathForward.
Investment in PathForward will provide financial support so the Community Improvement Corporation of Shelby can strategically improve:
Your support will have a tangible and positive impact on Shelby’s future. Besides the certainty of knowing you will make a lasting difference, you also receive:
Permanent donor recognition in Black Fork Commons Plaza.
Acknowledgment on the CIC’s website and digital platforms.
Charitable tax deduction as the CIC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3).
Annual summit exclusively for PathForward members
Periodic communication about CIC activity.
PathForward membership medallion.
Investment in PathForward will provide financial support so the Community Improvement Corporation of Shelby can strategically improve economic development, downtown revitalization, placemaking, and the Shaw Building.
PathForward Membership: $3.000 A YEAR FOR THREE YEARS.