Vibrant communities have strategies for economic growth.
In early 2017, significant efforts began towards improving the economic environment in our city. Economic development was successfully occurring in Richland County, primarily with the Richland Community Development Group (RCDG) and the Richland Area Chamber (now, collaboratively named Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development). Primarily, the resources of RCDG focused on large industry (non-retail related) while the Chamber supported its members in their needs, connectedness, and growth. However, Shelby CIC saw support gaps for start-ups, smaller businesses, and retail establishments that had no connection or fit into the workings of either organization, i.e. a non-chamber member in a service industry. Having no clear strategy to resolve this issue, CIC utilized an economic development consulting firm who proposed a step by step plan and tactics to stimulate economic development.
The City of Shelby adopted and put into action the Shelby Economic Development Plan. With a solid plan in place, the CIC now has a clear vision of how to kindle economic development by eliminating gaps for business retention and expansion, while focusing on the creation of high-wage jobs. Committees, made up of CIC board members and community members, are attacking and addressing each of the tactics.

Proposed Tactics for Economic Growth Outlined in the Shelby Economic Development Plan.
Hire an Economic Development Liaison.
The first recommendation from the consulting firm was for CIC to partner and collaborate with Richland Community Development Group (RCDG and newly named Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development) by hiring an economic development liaison to manage business retention and expansion and economic development initiatives for the City and Northern hub of Richland County. This position would act as an extension for the Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development by providing boots on the ground to meet with local business owners to troubleshoot areas of concern, assist with expansions, discuss succession planning, and to be a direct information funnel to them when appropriate.
The position was filled in September 2018 and has already been met with much success. So much, that our partnership example could be a collaborative model used for economic development in other areas of the county.
Economic Development Liaison - Shelby and Northern Richland County
Jessica Gribben - Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development
Phone: (419) 342-3166
Aggressively Market Industrial Parks.
The City of Shelby has incredible assets in Technology Parkway and the Shelby Industrial Park.
Technology Parkway, adjacent to the Kehoe Center, has infrastructure and utilities in place for new development, is an asset that most communities would like to have; while the Industrial Park possesses massive warehouses conveniently located near railway.
The CIC is aware our industrial parks are very desirable to potential large businesses. Concentrated efforts are taking place to aggressively market the parks and promote them on the most optimal sites.
Launch a Business Retention and Expansion Program.
The economic success of a community starts with a successful existing job retention program. The CIC recognizes it is far easier to keep and maintain current businesses then try to recruit new ones.
Shelby is the proud home to many businesses, so it is imperative to keep those businesses operating in the most efficient, economical manner possible. With solid long-term plans in place, along with community support, it is the perfect environment for local businesses to continue to operate and grow.
Another facet of this tactic is succession planning. Healthy business plan for their future. They identify and groom their successors. Early identification of a company’s long-term plan is key to its longevity. A business with no succession plan often results in a local ownership change or unfortunate closure. The CIC is strategizing on how to work with business owners to have plans so when retirement draws close, services continue to be available to the Shelby community.
Establish a Defined Entrepreneurs Program.
According to the US Small Business Administration, small businesses provide 55% of all jobs and 66% of all net new jobs since the 1970s. Small businesses account for 40% of all retail sales and provide some 8 million people in the United States with jobs. The strength of small business and supporting them and entrepreneurs cannot be overlooked in any economic development strategic plan.
Shelby needs to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem that fosters company start-ups from birth to long term growth. CIC is committed to assisting businesses not only get started, but most importantly, succeed. The leap into entrepreneurism in no small feat. Connecting entrepreneurs with community resources and helping assure their success, is one of the most important roles of the CIC.
CIC is committed to assist businesses not only get started, but most importantly, succeed. The leap into entrepreneurism in no small feat. Connecting not only new entrepreneurs, but also existing entrepreneurs, with programming and resources to cultivate success is one of the best things we have to offer. Having boots on the ground with our Economic Development Liaison, Jessica Gribben, is a major win for Shelby and the Northern Hub of Richland County.
Capitalize on Historic Preservation.
The City of Shelby has two buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places: Marvin Memorial Library and Most Pure Heart of Mary Church. In 1982, Shelby’s Historic District was created and includes many of the downtown buildings.
Like many rural communities, the City of Shelby is steeped in a proud history. Buildings in its downtown were erected in the 1800s, but because of time, flooding, and other factors, need repair and rehabilitation.
In 2016, the City created the Shelby Historic Preservation Commission. The Commission applied and was successful in having Shelby identified as a Certified Local Government. That designation provides grant opportunities for the rehabilitation of many historic downtown buildings.
CIC and the Commission strongly support each other’s efforts and encourage best practices in helping to create a vibrant a beautiful Shelby.